DALLAS – Southwest Corporate Federal Credit Union hopes credit unions get “smart” about checking. The $7 billion corporate has unveiled the Smart Checking Campaign, which features four new “virtual” marketing kits to help credit unions promote their checking programs. The campaign is built around the concept that credit union checking is an intelligent choice and feature taglines such as “I think, therefore I check” and “The search for intelligence leads to your credit union.” “We refer to these as virtual marketing kits because the materials reside only on our Web site,” said Southwest Corporate FCU Marketing Director Terry Young. According to Young, since the campaign images are online credit unions can get an idea of what the materials look like. Files complete with suggested and customizable copy, can then be downloaded and sent directly to the printer. In addition, turnkey production is available through the Marketing Services division of the Texas Credit Union League. Credit unions only pay for the customization and the actual printing costs- the artwork is free. Each of the kits contains files to help produce posters, statement stuffers, web banners, brochures and newsletter articles. The kits were developed based on input from several credit union marketers including: Taylor Wells, of Genco Federal Credit Union; Jennifer Cloudt, Educators Credit Union; Melissa Huffman, Dallas Telco Credit Union; Kylie Giancotti, General Technologies Federal Credit Union; and Sarah Dickens, formerly of Wichita Falls Teachers FCU. This is Southwest Corporate FCU’s third virtual marketing campaign, previous kits were created for electronic bill payment and debit card products. For more information regarding the Smart Checking Campaign visit www.swcorp.org or call Terry Young at (972) 861-3171.