<p>In journalism parlance, most news publications assign regular beats to specific editorial staff members. For example, Credit Union Times editor Paul Gentile has the corporate beat. In layman’s terms, that means that Paul, in addition to his numerous other beats and responsibilities in getting this publication produced each week, must stay plugged in to corporates so that he can be the first to cover everything newsworthy corporates do. And do so more thoroughly than any other publication. About two years ago, Paul recognized that corporates were poised to completely reinvent themselves. His foresight was right on target. Corporates today are making big news. They are growing at breakneck speed, consolidating, making major staffing changes, adding a plethora of new products and services, greatly expanding their membership potential, and in the process, they are being much more aggressive and competitive. There are at least two reasons why all of this should be obvious to Credit Union Times readers: First, this publication dedicates far more editorial space to corporate news than any other credit union publication. This expanded coverage includes four special reports on corporates during the year, as well as full corporate coverage on breaking news. Second, with most corporates having expanded their reach and competing far more aggressively regionally or even nationwide for CU business, the number of pages of corporate paid display advertising in this publication has increased substantially. Corporates are growing rapidly and Credit Union Times is pleased to be growing right along with them.</p>