<p>SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif. – There’s a new “studio” set to launch in credit union land, and it won’t be competing with Miramax or MGM -this studio is in the business of Webcasting. Counter Intelligence Associates has launched “CIA Studios”, its Internet broadcast studio. The studio will officially open on April 17 with a Webcast on succession planning and a full-day open house. Those who can make it to CIA’s new studio, located in San Juan Capistrano, California (about 40 miles south of Los Angeles) will be able to participate in the Webcast for free and learn about Webcasting from CIA staffers. Credit unions not able to attend can register for the Webcast for $99. Featured in the Webcast will be CIA’s Linda Manship and DeeDee Myers, President, DDJ Myers, Ltd. There will also be a panel of credit union leaders</p>