<p>SALT LAKE CITY – Credit union data processor Computer Consultants Corp. recently laid off 18 employees. CCCorp President/CEO Hugh Butler said the credit union IT/DP business paradigm has changed and CCCorp has to adjust to the times. He said the company looks at the market periodically and completes any necessary “right-sizing.” “Credit unions no longer expect one vendor to be an expert in all areas. A credit union would prefer to partner with an expert in different areas,” said Butler. “Whenever you have a paradigm shift in the way you do business, people are affected. Those people were in some cases long-term employees in the `80s and `90s when we did things differently,” said Butler. Butler said CCCorp has been forming a number of relationships in recent years, ones with CUNA Mutual and Maxxar for example, to be able to deliver best-of-breed products to its clients. This is a shift from trying to be all things to clients, he said. Butler said the hardware install business is also not what it used to be. “There was a time when a vendor could sell a computer for $10,000 and pocket $3,500. Those days are over,” said Butler. This is CCCorp’s 26th year in business. Butler said these lay-offs will help with profitability so the company is around for the next 26 years. “CCCorp is doing fine and will remain the fourth most popular core system vendor in the nation for a considerable time longer.” CCCorp has 625 credit union clients. The vast majority are small CUs. Only 40 of CCCorp’s clients have more than $30 million in assets. Its core system offerings are Mercury and Director. [email protected]</p>