Credit unions are making headlines because credit unions are generating news like never before in their long history. As publisher of the largest and most widely read credit union publication, for example, it takes a Herculean effort on our part to report each week on all the newsworthy developments involving credit unions. That’s why readers have probably noticed the greatly expanded editorial content of each issue of Credit Union Times. The number of news stories, and hence the total number of pages in each weekly issue, have increased substantially since the first issue was published back in 1990. Although a weekly publication, Credit Union Times is currently averaging well over 200 pages if looked at on a per month basis. That’s an important reason why our headlines are so important. They help busy readers pick and choose what to read first, what to read later, what to skim over, and what to skip entirely. We long ago recognized the needs and interests of readers differ widely. We also are well aware that not all readers will want to read every story. The other important function of our headlines is that they reflect the highly respected news judgment of our talented and hard working editorial staff regarding what they consider most newsworthy. That’s a key reason why page one of Credit Union Times differs from all other CU publications. We look forward to continuing to make headlines for you. – [email protected]