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If approved by Peoples Bank shareholders and government regulators, Hanscom FCU’s membership will increase by nearly 20,000.
Ex-controller Teresa Paulo embezzled more than $1.2 million from Southern Pine CU and former CEO Demetria Baker made loans for personal use and removed cash, NCUA alleges.
The agreement was called off after APCU’s discussions with regulators.
The Jacksonville credit union has bought land for two new branches in adjoining counties as it completes others.
The acquisition of Gogebic Range Bank would boost Zeal’s asset size to nearly $1 billion.
Program requested by ALM First of Dallas would allow big credit unions to buy securities backed by consumer loans.
The Florida credit union payout is part of $33.8 million being distributed by nine credit unions.
Officials say the 39th president was “a friend to credit unions.”
The Mortgage Bankers Association concentrates most of its pessimism on refinance originations in next year’s first quarter.
Charitable giving highlights include a grocery giveaway, Hurricane Helene relief and lots of gifts for people in need.